Saturday, December 11, 2010

sick days...

This week I had the pleasure of spending time with my dear friend Ava Grace. Sunday, we made Christmas cookies, and after finding out that she was sick on Wednesday morning her mom asked that I pick her up and spend time with her until she could leave work. I love her! She is an absolute treat to be with, and though her tummy hurt she was such a trooper. These pictures were taken of her on Sunday, her pajamas were so cute. None, of the pictures show her face, but believe me when I say she is a beautiful little girl. I know spending time with friends makes me feel better, even when my tummy hurts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

someone asked me why i didn't show any pictures of ava grace's face, and my response to that is: she isn't my kid, and i would feel uncomfortable if someone posted pictures of my kid's face and showed them to the world, without my consent.